I've looked all through the rule book but don't see anything in print about the official tie breaking policy. In the 600 stock class we (33s) are tied for 10th with the 21 car, who also happens to be contending for rookie of the year. How will this tie be decided?
In the event of a tie, the person/car going into that event leading would be placed ahead of the other person/car. The reason for this would be that the person/car leading had never actually been passed for points.
So your going back to the points totals as they were on Friday, the night before the last race? Never heard of that .......that would mean the points accumulated on Saturdays Championship night don't count toward our seasons point total. OK, I guess... as long as no ones' points counted on Saturday night. Is that true? No positions changed from points gained on Saturday night? In every form of racing I've ever been in, a tie is a tie....determined by most wins, then if necessary most top 5's, then top 10's.
Mainly trying to understand how we (33) tie for 10th with 2 wins but end up 11th? I'm not understanding how the 33s' final points standing was based on "the points position from the night before" ? explanation I was given. That's like saying the points we gained in Saturdays Championship race, that brought it to a tie, are meaningless......and so are the 2 wins....?
ps. paul told us only the 21 and 33 were rookies so.....?