-Reviewed and clarified rules changes made during the December mtg
-Track schedules will be released in the coming week or two.
-600 ignition discussion- ECU Rules are unchanged from 2008 (stock, unmodified box) Club will test via tach (similar to the method used by the US6A). Inspections will be conducted per the NMSA rule book.
-Pit Stalls: NMSA will work with Deming Speedway to refresh the pit map. As always, our intention if for those who were paid members in 2008 to have rights to closest matching stall on the 2009 map. We intend to make this as fair for everybody as we can. That said, we have a lot of cars in the pits, so we'll all have to be a little flexible. The track allows the club to sell reserve stalls as a courtesy. As such, the NMSA will enforce the pit map. I expect that Paul and his officials will NOT be harrassed about pit stalls.
-Points checks will be distributed in the coming month. Receipts from the banquet have been received and accounted for. Full treasury report will be presented at the Feb. Meeting
-No objection made to keeping meetings on Tuesdays in Burlington. Feb meeting to be scheduled and posted to the message board.