Congratulations to JR Thomas for winning the 600 Championship!
Is Skagit next?
P.S. Andrews would like the Fat Tire Beer Tech'd. He was complaining that it tasted like sh..... and said he's hanging it up if the Beer garden ever runs out of "normal beer" again.
'America is all about speed. Hot, Nasty, Badass Speed." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Well Mr. Andrews should make sure that he gets to the Beer Garden in a timely manner then. Beggers can't be choosers! Everyone else got their in plenty of time to have a least a couple regular beers.
Ps. How would you tech "Fat Tire"?
Karma - What goes around comes around. Don't you worry you'll get yours.
I could drink it and do a natural tech. I would do it for free but it usually about 9 tall cups of beer to get the correct analysis. Call me any time and will expedite the tech.
A tire durometer probobly would work ,that FLAT TIRE beer was pretty thick and solid! I think Tate must have been watching from the stands all night for the"normal beer to run out"