NWMSA Donation to the community- $500 to Deming Food Bank
Nominations for 2007 club officers- Pres- Doug Brown
VP- Kevin Benson
Secretary- Brandy Bloodgood
Treasurer- Robin Cully
Grievance Committee (2 each class) Jr Sprint- Kevin Peterson
Joe Morris
250- Brandon Thomas
Brandon Turner
600/600R- Mike Hendrickson
Rick Cully
Brian Andrews
Scott Sinner
1200- Gary Hallmark
Dave Holmwood
Jason Bloodgood
Brock Lemley
Aaron Fell
Tire Drawing- Charles Severson
2007 Rules change proposals: (I'll briefly hit the highlites)
Club General Rules:
1.6 change "Once a car is qualified for a night or event, no switching cars or drivers"
3.5 ammended "exemption for fully contained hallo seat"
10.2a new rule "Seperate club points to be awarded to registered car number (owner)
and driver. Points fund money to be awarded to registered car number"
1200 class:
5.8 change "1000cc motors to weigh 900 lbs.
5.11 change Pre 2000 year motor rule changes 5.11a thru 5.11h
5.12 delete "unless otherwise approved by club or track"
add "stock working charging system. no cut out switches"
600 class:
6.6 add "no cut out switchs"
6.7 add "at beginning of race"
6.9 change "minimun weight 775 lbs."
6.9a new "600 restricted minium weight 750 lbs."
6.10 add "Except brake bias valve"
250 class:
7.2 delete "OHC or OHV motors and no rotery motors"
7.4 delete "track fuel"
add "methanol fuel"
250 CLASS RULES, FROZEN FOR THE 2007, 2008 & 2009 SEASON'S
Remember, these are the "HIGHLITE'S" of the proposed rules changes to be voted upon @ our 12/6 club meeting.
Hope everyone enjoyed the Banquet, We did, It was "GREAT" Happy Thanksgiving, see you in Dec, Doug