Hello again everybody. I'm starting a cont. Deming in the 80s thread because that one seems to be disappearing into nowhere land. There is a second page on the 1st thread but because of this rookie it was kinda messed up and a lot of you that I have talked to haven't seen it due to the fact that I don't know how to post pics properly. Also I have found out that I am not the only rookie out there. Actually it is pretty easy to get to the 2nd page. Anyway, my Dad brought me hundreds of more pics to go with the hundreds I already have, so I can keep this thread going for months. I just finished scanning a bunch more so I'll put some on now. I haven't been near this computer for a couple of weeks so I was happy to see that I remembered what the heck I was doing. Oh and hey Spud, you were just a little dude in that shot, do you know who the buddies are with you? Okay here I go posting more, Hope I don't mess up. Enjoy! & let's here some feedback. Thanks, Laura