Please remember to have a representative there on your 50/50 raffle night. You must sell tickets on your night to get your points fund pay out at the end of the season. 50% of the sales go directly towards the points fund!!
50/50 Raffle Schedule 2010
May7D. OBrien/ D. James
14Jeff Little/ J. Lemley
21S. Hendrickson/ P. Schemenauer
28M. Hess/ I. Abenroth
June4C. Holloway/ J. Benson 11H. Schmidt/ Constance 24B. Turner/ S. Holtorf
July 2E. Drake/ B. Andrews 3J. Brown/ A. Johnson 9W. Spreckelmeyer/ B. Benson 15M. Allen/ N. Vaughn 16R. Cully/ L. Jenne 17B. Davison/ F. Metcalf 23D. Resch/ J. Engler 30C. Samuelson/ T. Lemley
August6A. Sheridan/ J. Thomas
13J. Saddler/ A. Fell
20K. Oman/ R. Westmoreland
27H. Lindquist/ T. Dougherty
Sept.3E. Ryason/ K. Kenoyer 10K. Mauck/ S. Pawlowicz