There was a rule change proposed and passed at the meeting this weekend regarding helmet ratings upgrading from our current 95/98 to the 2000 standard. I'd guess there will be several of us who will be searching for new helmets (unless the club should happen to reject that rule change at the December meeting). Here are links to some places that have some really good deals on brain buckets.
All have reall good prices on 00 rated lids (clearancing to make room for 05's). Bell Race Star is a very affordable option in the "M" rating ($217 for M2000 rated, and summit has the new M05 rated RS5 for $259). For SA (nomex liner) helmets, Arizona Race Mart has the Simpson Voyager, Bell M2, and Sport 3, and all for under $300. They don't specify which Snell rating these have, so make sure you ask if you order. We've had very good life from these economy models. Just remember, the hgih dollor lid is junk just as fast as a cheap one if you drop it or hit it ONCE.
well i vote to reject it cuz we just got a new helmet like a year ago and i dont want to have to get another one, cant aford it. I think a regular helmet thats not older than dirt should be fine. just my opinion
I personally feel that the arguement regarding neck collars would apply here too. If we as a club spec a certain snell rating, WE as a club have responsibility/liability to enforce that rule. It really does nothing to ensure people are wearing safe helmets, as I heard one person at the meeting say they had dropped their helmet several times. A helmet dropped or hit once is junk, whether its M90 or SA2005. Should we have 'dropped helmet police' as well?
There is certainly nothing stopping someone from buying a new helmet every year, or every 6 months even, if they so choose. People have died in these cars, so I understand the need to take precautions, but upgrading to 00 spec offers short term results at best. In my case, I had a snell 95 helmet sitting on a shelf for 2 years (bought on closeout) that had been used 3 times. I now have 1 full season on it, and it's potentially a $400 paper weight.
If we can be responsible enough to choose our own head restraint sytsems (neck collar, HANS, hutchins), why are we incapable of addressing our own helmets? Just remember, its up to you to vote on issues like this, thats why we have a club.